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خانه | ارتباط مدیریتبازدید امروز:9بازدید دیروز:6تعداد کل بازدید:246558

بچه مثبت (س.م.ه) :: 87/3/14::  2:43 عصر

Pinnacle Studio v11.0 Ultimate

Pinnacle Studio v11.0 Ultimate

Pinnacle Studio Ultimate gives more complete control to existing Pinnacle Studio customers. New features include compatibility with the Windows Vista™ operating system, HD DVD, Hi-Fi audio music generation, and one-click Web publishing. It also includes BIAS Inc.’s SoundSoap™ audio cleaning tools, professional level film effects from ProDAD© VitaScene, precision Panning and Zooming with StageTool™ MovingPicture, and a Chroma Key green screen backdrop.

New audio and video tools

The combination of Pinnacle Studio Plus version 11 with highly-acclaimed pro audio and video tools create the ultimate solution for video enthusiasts who want to take complete control of the quality and style of their movie creations.

* New - HD capture, editing and disc burning

A complete HD workflow with HD DVD format authoring on standard DVD media - Pinnacle Studio Plus edits native HDV or AVCHD footage and then authors HD DVD format discs that will play on the latest HD players. You can even combine projects that mix SDV, HDV and photos that are then “up-sampled” to HD resolution.
Click here to learn more about HD

Pinnacle Studio Plus users can now import and edit the latest HD format, projected to become the primary HDV format for Camcorder leaders like Panasonic and Sony, allowing for more HDV content in half the space.


Pass: www.softarchive.net

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